Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reclaiming Your Energy: transforming a negative relationship

We all have those people in our lives that we'd rather NOT deal with.  The ones who make you grit your teeth every time you have to deal with them.  This may be an ex-partner, co-worker, boss, family member, teacher, classmate, or neighbor.  This is a person who causes you pain, anger, frustration, and outright disbelief that they behave so badly.

Unfortunately, for many of us they just keep coming back to create chaos and disarray in your life.

Would you like it to be over?  No, I'm NOT talking about dropping them in a big hole or hiring someone to "take care of matters" or sticking pins in a voodoo doll.  I'm talking about a way that's legal, that doesn't lead to pain, suffering, or loss for ANY of the involved parties.

With a couple of exercises, that you do to align your energy, you can affect how others interact with you.  The results often appear magical!

I've used these exercises frequently in my own life and taught many of my friends.  Without saying a word to the person who is causing you distress, either they simply disappear or can't come near you.  OR they have a shift in their behavior, and suddenly start showing empathy and kindness in dealings with you to create an equitable end to the relationship.

Are you willing to try something different and achieve something you thought was "impossible"?

In this sixty minute workshop, you'll learn 2 energy exercises to change your co-creation with someone who is creating chaos and pain in your life.  We'll also discuss ways to cope and heal from abusive or traumatic situations and allow a new creation into your life.

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