Monday, June 14, 2010

Eating Consciously

It used to be that if I bought a Ritter Sport Marzipan chocolate bar, it would be eaten that night.  I'd break off a section and sneak away and snarf it before anyone saw that I had chocolate, and god forbid, I might have to share!  Soon after I'd eaten that section, I'd be back at the pantry, sneaking another few squares.  It would call to me and I couldn't leave it alone.

Then I decided to make a couple of changes in my energy specifically about chocolate.

Now I can eat one square of chocolate and savor it.  Then if I choose to have another I can or I can walk away.  No longer does that bit of chocolate call my name in the night.  It still tastes good, I still enjoy it, but I no longer feel compelled to eat the whole thing in one evening.

And I don't feel like I'm having to hold myself back either.  It's not a matter of willpower.  I simply feel as though I've had enough and then I stop.

So, do you want to learn how?

Bring your favorite comfort food, the one that you know you shouldn't eat so much of, and we'll clear some energy on it, specifically for you.  And then we'll practice some techniques centered on eating slowly and consciously.

You'll be amazed!

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