Friday, June 11, 2010

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Do your negative thoughts ever send you into a spiral of worry and doubt? Most everyone I've ever met does this. One fearful thought, leads to another fearful thought, which leads to another....

Everyone experiences stress and’s just a part of life, right? And when you expect life to be bad, it is. Murphy’s Law is real, because we’re all such powerful creators.

The problem is, when you are stressed and anxious, it’s hard to see the opportunities to make things better, much less act on them. Our perspective shrinks until we can’t see any good choices to make. And most of us find that willpower and affirmations aren’t enough to feel better.

In 30 minutes, I teach participants some simple, tangible techniques that anyone can do, to temporarily eliminate negative emotions like fear, stress and anxiety. It doesn't involve baring your soul, standing on your head, or taking drugs. Once you feel better, you can think clearly and take appropriate action.

The very first step is to feel better now so you can create what you desire.


  1. I have resentment and bitterness, resulting from an abusive and loveless childhood.

  2. Hi genialc, are you interested in learning to release those feelings of resentment and bitterness?
